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Author: Admin 2

Subject: Call for interest for purchase and procuremnet of the External expertise Supply: “VirtuaLand Platform Implementation and Testing”, IT hardware for  the Project “Virtualand”, for the CEDIR.  in implementing  “VirtuaLand Project” Project Reference: INTERREG IPA II CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME GREECE-ALBANIA 2014-2020 “Virtualand” /  Order Prot. No. 364 , date 30.05.2022 In the context of the partnership in the Project “VIRTUALAND”/, FUNDED BY INTERREG IPA II CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME GREECE-ALBANIA 2014-2020, the Center for Economic Development & International Relations Tirana has lunched the call upon their need on

On November 2nd , 2021, the FIRE PREP partners meeting was organized in the Google Meeting Platform. Present in the meeting were the following representatives: Ms. Etleva Dhima from the Lead Partner ( Municipality of Berat), Mr. Anastasios Paschalis -Hellenic Fire Corps (PB2) ,  Ms. Floriana Xhaferi -Albanian Ministry of Defense -National Agency for Civil Protection(PB3) , Ms. Valbona Gogu -Ministry of Tourism and Environment(PB4), Ms. Katerina Tsamouri the JTS Representative and Officer in charge for the Project, and Mr. Florian Bilali from CEDIR–external expert

CENTER FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT & INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (CEDIR) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, created in April 2007, originally named “Institute for Dialogue and Cooperation”, headquartered in Durres, Albania, and later transformed into the “Center for Economic Development and International Relations”. CEDIR is a “think tank” and independent research and advisory non-profit organization aims to provide a mechanism for objective analysis of policies for economic and legal development, with focus on the implementation of the rule of law, human rights, competition and free market, based on