The project “Olive Culture”, main objective is to boost table olive sector by enhancing the relevant business environment and the growth of SMEs. Aiming to add value to local agribusiness products, the project will establish a network of knowledge and expertise exchange which will lead to the development of sustainable olive crop management and relevant products trading tools for demand-driven capitalization of scientific knowledge and good practices.
The project will promote good practices regarding raw material, food processing, marketing and branding in the participating areas. In this framework. The promotion of integrated management of the orchar
ds, using innovative practices and precision agriculture tools and focusing on receptive groups of farmers has been decided in order to create successful examples. This will create the availability of top-quality raw material.
The meeting with stakeholders was organized on 04 /09 /2020, 2020 in Berat with the domestic producers of oil, olive growers and members of municipality. The main topic of this meeting was “Prospects of the olive sector and the creation of a network with key local actors”. The expert, Prof. Bari Hodaj gave some important information about the steps necessary to be taken to get the best quality of table olive and the olive oil. In general, he talked about Sustainable development of the olive sector in Albania including legal framework for quality standards of production, productivity, cultivar structure, plant protection management, profitability, selection of lands for new plantings, etc.).
Moreover, the expert also provided information about cultivation technology and financial support that producers can get. At the end the expert answered all the questions and concerns that the participants raised.
At the end everyone expressed their gratitude.