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Project Activities

1. Simpozium

2. Training, documentary, workshop

3. FFF assesment and delivery of the work –plan

Collection of background materials. Desk review
Meetings with LMs & Agencies to discuss and clarify expert’s findings of FFF assesment and agree on work- plan/devision
Finalisation of the second draft of FFF
Submission of the second draft to LMs/Agencies for their final review
Potential improvements/revision of the second draft
Delivery of the second draft to MEI
Potential improvements/revision of the third draft based on the MEI comments
Final report

5. Carry out a survey and Collection of the data on the previous and ongoing experiences initiatives/existing systems focused on maritime passenger transport
– Collection of the data on the accessibility of areas and human mobility
– perform assessment of the findings the specific theme, actors & stakeholders that were involved, existing platforms for accessibility improvement & multimodal transport
-Setting up joint knowledge-management tool; a dedicated database will be created and developed in order to store and organize the contents and other relevant information related to the identified previous and ongoing experiences.
-Elaboration of local Sustainability Plans; and give suggestions to the draft of the guidelines for developing sustainability plans for the whole project
-Drafting Road map and Action plan of the identified priorities/interventions, as strategic documents for a sustainable passenger transport
-Draft/adopt CB agreements (outlined following the definition of Cross border Road Map/Action Plan for the whole project) for the optimization and the sustainability of passenger transport and pave the way for further larger investments


6. Road maps and action plans of the identified priorities/interventions with passenger transport investment needs . IPA Adriatic CBC/ EA-SEA Way


7. Drafting and Adoption of cross-border agreements for the optimization and the sustainability of passenger transport: IPA Adriatic CBC/ EA-SEA Way

8. External expertise in Project Management Monitoring for AdriHealthMob project.Durres, Albania. IPA Adriatic CBC/ AdriHealthMob/ 1°STR/009.

9. The Center for Economic Development and International Relations has been responsible partner on all the activities foreseen in the project. The main goal of the project is the promotion of Mati Region potential for development of sustainable tourism product based on natural and cultural assets guided by the principle of minimizing the environmental impact and community development. Implemented actions: 1.Detailed analysis of the existing potential of the area for the development of sustainable and responsible tourism; 2.Organization of a roundtable with stakeholders of the area to raise the awareness on environmental protection and sustainable tourism development; 3. Drafting of an action plan for protecting the environment and promoting sustainable tourism initiatives that bring economic benefits for the region; 4. Preparation of an environmental attractions guide and a thematic itinerary of Mat region promoting environmental focus, bio-habitat, traditions and natural monuments; 5. Organization of an informative and educative workshop on environmental thematic tourism.


10. The NGO has support the Contracting Authority in achievement of objectives and outcomes in a timely and successful manner according to the program required under WP 7 of the project SPEEDY and the candidate will have to:
• Provide technical advice and policy support in applying an EU compliant law on environment
• Setting-up of operative suggestions on processes and procedures findings to support policymakers in the development of the “Screening Report”, “Scoping Report” and “Environmental” Report;
• Setting-up of operational guidelines and their validation about possible updates and improvements of the European Directive on
• Preparing documentation and presenting progress reports to target groups ;
• Organising training session for SEA topics for users and other consultants of the Share Platform for SEA if is needed.

11. Detailed assessment of the environmental effects expected from the implementation of the local plan and mitigation. Public awareness action plan.
The assignment involved the following contributions: a) researching and analyzing for briefings and flash reporting on ad hoc basis; b) drafting monthly reports on local government, territorial administrative reform and urban planning related matters, c) provide contribution for the preparation of PAR special Group meeting on local government issues and as regard the planned seminar on the local government and urban planning in the beginning of 2014. Provide contribution for drafting of the 2014 EU Progress Report for Albania in the relevant areas.

12. The NGO was subcontracted by Durres Municipality (Albanian Lead Partner of the Project) to implement the WP2 (Communication and Dissemination). Implemented activities: 1. Implementation of the Communication Strategy; 2. Organization of three workshops; 3. Organization of a press conference.

13. To support Fier Municipality in the process of management for the implementation of the activities related to ADRIAWEALTH project.
• To contribute to the successful implementation of the project within the timetable;
• To ensure the requirements of PRAG in awarding procedures for the implementation of the project;
• To ensure legality, transparency and publicity of project’s activities.

14. External expertise and services for PM support

External expertise and services for service charter creation

External expert support for the communication plan design and contents;
External expertise and services for the creation and sharing of the best practices digital booklet;
External expertise and services for the creation and implementation of the project platform;
External expertise and services for the creation and sharing of the capacity building digital lab format