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1 OPEN TOURISM Cross-border cooperation network for an open-to-innovation tourism
  1. Unione dei Comuni delle Sorgenti del Biferno (IT)
  2. Fondazione Città del Libro onlus (IT)
  3. BashkiaFier (AL)
  4. Qendra per Zhvillim Ekonomik dhe Marrdhenie Nderkombetare (AL)
  5. Prijestonica Cetinje (ME)
2 Enhancement Extroversion on Culture, Folkloric and Gastronomic Tourism
  1. Municipality of North Tzoumerka
  2. Center of Economic Development and International Relations
  3. Municipality of Pogradec
  4. Cultural Development Group of Kastoria – MYISIS
  5. Theatre Tsi Zakynthos Epagge lmatiki Skini
3 Integrated Local Product Development
4 VirtuaLand-An Immersive Virtual Experience for Cultural and Natural Heritage Sites
  1. Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina
  2. Central Public Library of Konitsa
  3. Center for Economic Development and International Relations
  4. University “Eqerem Cabej” Gjirokaster